Aureliano Lopes da Silva Junior

Aureliano lopes

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (DEPSI / UFRRJ).  Holds a PhD in Collective Health, Human Sciences and Health, from the Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2016), with a sandwich degree in the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He has a Master’s degree in Social Psychology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2011), and a degree in Psychology from the Federal University of São João Del Rei (2007). He is currently a researcher at the Study and Research Group on Subjectivities and Institutions in Folds (GEPSID) and vice-coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Education, Diversity and Inclusion (LEPEDI / UFRRJ).  Member of the Latin Network of Researchers in Reproductive Biotechnologies/REDLIBRE ( He focuses mainly on the following topics: body, health, education, gender, sexuality, biotechnologies and modes of subjectivation.

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Publications in English:

  • SILVA JUNIOR, Aureliano Lopes; FORTUNA PONTES, Mônica ; UZIEL, Anna Paula . Assisted reproduction technologies and reproductive justice in the production of parenthood and origin: Uses and meanings of the co¿produced gestation and the surrogacy in Brazil. Developing World Bioethics, v. Spe, p. 1-16, 2022. Link:


  • CARRARA, S. ; DE GARAY, J. H. ; UZIEL, A. P. ; BERTRAMI, L. ; BALDANZI, ACO ; QUEIROZ, J.P. ; PANJO, H ; CONCEIÇÃO, G.M.S. ; BALTHAZAR, A. M. S. E. ; SILVA JUNIOR, Aureliano Lopes ; GIAMI, A. . Body construction and health itineraries: a survey among travestis and trans people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Online), v. 35, p. e00110618, 2019. Link:



  • SILVA JUNIOR, AURELIANO LOPES DA. OCHOA, Marcia. 2014. Queen for a day. Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela. Durham: Duke University Press. 296 pp.. SEXUALIDAD, SALUD Y SOCIEDAD (RIO DE JANEIRO), v. s/v, p. 168-178, 2014.

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