Anna Paula Uziel
Anna Paula Uziel holds a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1988), a degree in Psychology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1991), a Master’s degree in Psychology (Clinical Psychology) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1996), and a PhD. in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (2002). She is currently an associate professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and an associate researcher at the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM / IMS / UERJ). She is the founder of the GEPSID (Group of Studies and Research, Subjectivities and Institutions in Folds). She also serves as Coordinator in Psychology at FAPERJ (Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro). She was previously the 2019/2021 biennium coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Social Psychology at UERJ. Additionally, she has experience in the field of Legal Psychology. Her main areas of interest include parenting, sexuality, family and gender.
Address to access this curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4721672637528871.
Publications in English:
- LOPES, Aureliano ; Pontes, M.F. ; UZIEL, A. P. . Assisted reproduction technologies and reproductive justice in the production of parenthood and origin: Uses and meanings of the co-produced gestation and the surrogacy in Brazil. Developing World Bioethics, p. 1-16, 2022. Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dewb.12350
- CARRARA, Sergio Luis ; HERNANDEZ, J. G. ; UZIEL, A. P. ; DANGELO, L. B. ; BALDANZI, A. C. ; QUEIROZ, J. P. ; PANJO, H. ; CONCEICAO, G. M. S. ; BALTHAZAR, A. M. S. E. ; LOPES, Aureliano ; GIAMI, A. . Body construction and health itineraries: a survey among travestis and trans people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CADERNOS DE SAÚDE PÚBLICA, v. 35, p. 10.1590/0102-31, 2019. Link: https://www.scielo.br/j/csp/a/nhxFFZVTg6hW6rjFDNKVpCH/?lang=en
- TOMBOLATO, M. A. ; MAIA, A. C. B. ; UZIEL, A. P. ; Santos, Manoel Antonio dos . Prejudice and discrimination in the everyday life of same-sex couples raising children. ESTUDOS DE PSICOLOGIA, v. 35, p. 111-122, 2018. Link: https://www.scielo.br/j/estpsi/a/nxc8vZJdy8rRvzHw94Lhb7y/?lang=en
- LOPES, Aureliano ; UZIEL, A. P. . On high heels: intertwinings between the art of travestility, becoming-drag queen and self-affirmation. Annual Review of Critical Psychology (Online), v. 11, p. 319, 2014. Link: https://www.academia.edu/34817497/On_high_heels_intertwinings_between_the_art_of_transvestility_becoming_drag_queen_and_self_affirmation
- UZIEL, A. P.. Homosexuality and Adoption in Brazil. Reproductive Health Matters, v. 9, n.18, p. 34-41, 2002. Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1016/S0968-8080%2801%2990087-4