Beatriz Klimeck

beatriz klimeck

Beatriz Klimeck is a doctoral student in Collective Health at the Institute of Social Medicine (IMS/UERJ), with a Master’s degree from the same institution, Master’s student in Scientific and Cultural Dissemination (Labjor/UNICAMP) and undergraduate degree in Social Sciences from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV CPDOC). She is currently a member of the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/IMS-UERJ) and coordinator of the Contemporary Anthropology Laboratory (LAC/FGV CPDOC). She also serves as a research member of the international organization Academy for Eating Disorders, the local/global organization Endangered Bodies, and the Grupo Corpo e Cultura – Endangered Bodies SP. She specializes primarily in the areas of Health and Science Anthropology, Public Health and Scientific Dissemination.

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