Fernanda Loureiro

fernanda loureiro

Fernanda Loureiro is a Doctoral student with a Master’s degree (2017) in Public Health at the Hesio Cordeiro Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IMS/UERJ). Her concentration area here was in Human Sciences and Health. She is also a Specialist in Behavior and Consumption Research (2013) and Fashion Design (2007), both at SENAI CETIQT. She graduated in Biological Sciences – Medical Modality (Biomedicine) from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2002). Her work as a Researcher is directed towards the fields of Public Health and Health Anthropology, with an emphasis on health education, women’s health policies, studies of gender, sexuality, reproduction, medicalization and social studies of science. She is a mother and was on maternity leave from October 2009 to February 2010.

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