Martinho Braga Silva

martinho braga

Associate professor at the Institute of Social Medicine at the State University of Rio de Janeiro – IMS-UERJ, at the Department of Health Policies and Institutions, completed a degree in Psychology at the University of Brasília (1999), a specialization in Mental Health at the level of residency at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (2002), a master’s degree in Collective Health at IMS-UERJ (2004) and a doctorate in Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2011). He was a member of the managing board of the Anthropology and Health Committee at the Brazilian Association of Anthropology – ABA (2021-2022) and coordinator of the Commission on Social and Human Sciences in Health at the Brazilian Association of Collective Health – ABRASCO (2017-2019). Engaged in the anti-asylum, anti-prohibitionist and abolitionist struggle, he develops studies mainly on mental health, drugs, penitentiary health, responsibility and human rights, particularly ethnographies in institutions.

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