ueslei solaterrar
Ueslei Solaterrar is Director of CAPS III CAPS Casa Azul in Mequita-RJ, Coordinator and professor of the Psychology Course at Universidade Estácio de Sá (campus Campo Grande), and Mentor of UniBTA Digital and Clinical-Institutional Supervisor of CAPS II CAPSi in Queimados-RJ. Solaterrar Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Bahia in 2014. He has a Residency in Mental Health from the Institute of Psychiatry (2018), a Master’s in Collective Health from the Institute of Social Medicine at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (IMS/UERJ), and is currently a doctoral student in public health at the same institution. He worked as a clinical psychologist, Therapeutic Companion (TA) in the perspective of the expanded clinic at the Clínica e Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinary-Bem Viver (2014-2016) and researcher at the Nucleus of Interdisciplinary Studies in Mental Health of the Instituto de Saúde Coletiva da UFBA (2014-2015). His work focuses primarily on the following topics: Mental Health (Brazilian Psychiatric Reform/Antho-asylum Struggle), Management of Suffering, Misguided Studies, Black and Decolonial Feminism, Social and Dynamic Markers of Difference (race/color, class, gender, sexuality and territory), and an emphasis on the discussion about race, racism and their expressions in health.
Address to access this curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8167821912267721.
Publications in English: