viViane Mattar
She has a PhD and a master’s degree in Public Health from the Institute of Social Medicine – UERJ, a specialist in gender and sexuality from CLAM – UERJ (Specialisation Course in Gender and Sexuality – EGES) and a degree in Nutrition from Gama Filho University. She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She is a researcher at the Latin American Centre for Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM), a member of the team of the Specialisation Course in Gender and Sexuality – EGeS, a member of the UERJ Academic Nucleus of the Rio without LGBTIphobia Programme and president of the NGO Projeto Violeta. She has experience in the field of Nutrition, with an emphasis on Nutritional Analysis of the Population, in the educational field, centred on work in social projects and in research in the field of Collective Health, with an emphasis on Social Policies, Gender, Sexuality, Food and Favela. She also works as a manager and consultant for social projects in the third sector, where she coordinates projects on culture, food, gender and sexuality.
Address to access this curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9209424512959786