Posdoctorado en estudios sobre sexualidad

The Gender Studies Program at Northwestern University invites applicationsfor a two-year post-doctoral fellowship in social scientific approaches tosexuality studies, to run September 2011 – August 2013. Applications arewelcome from scholars who study sexuality from a social science perspective(broadly construed). The Fellow will be affiliated with both the GenderStudies Program and a department at Northwestern, which must be eitherAnthropology, History, Human Development and Social Policy, Linguistics,Performance Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, orSociology. That is, the Fellow must have relevant expertise in bothsexuality studies and one of these fields, and must be prepared to teachcourses that are cross-listed in both Gender Studies and the affiliateddepartment.

The Fellow will pursue a program of independent scholarship under theguidance of a faculty mentor and will teach two undergraduate courses eachyear. The Fellow will also be expected to assist in the organization ofon-campus educational activities such as an annual workshop, as part of anew interdisciplinary initiative on sexuality and health in social context.

Applicants must have completed all the requirements for the Ph.D. (orequivalent) by September 1, 2011, or have received their degree within thelast five years. The stipend is $45,000 plus benefits in the first year ofthe fellowship and $46,350 plus benefits in the second year. In addition,the Fellow is eligible for $2,000 per year to fund research and conferencetravel, and up to $2,000 for allowable relocation expenses in the firstyear.

In order to ensure full consideration, all application materials must bereceived by February 15, 2011. Applicants should send the followingmaterials in PDF format by email attachment to,with the subject heading of “Postdoc Application”:

1) a cover letter: Please briefly situate your work in relation to the fieldof sexuality studies. Please identify the department(s) with which you arequalified to be affiliated, from among the above list. Optionally, pleaseidentify a possible faculty mentor in that department or in Gender Studies.Please address the question of your experience within interdisciplinaryacademic environments.

2) a full curriculum vitae

3) a two-page summary of the dissertation

4) a two-page research plan for the fellowship period (this may include, butshould extend beyond, revisions to the dissertation)

5) titles and short descriptions of at least two courses that you couldteach and that might be appropriate for cross-listing between Gender Studiesand your department

6) a writing sample consisting of either a dissertation chapter or anArticle

7) a full graduate school transcript from your doctoral-degree-grantingInstitution

In addition, please arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent,either by email to the same address (subject heading: “Postdoc applicationletter of reference”), or by mail to Gender Studies Program, SexualityStudies Postdoc, Northwestern University, Kresge Hall 2-321, Evanston, IL60208-2211. One letter should be from the dissertation chair, and at leastone should comment on teaching qualifications.

Administrative questions should be directed to Clare Forstie Substantive questions may be addressed to HéctorCarrillo at or Steve Epstein For more information about any of theparticipating departments or programs, see

AA/EOE: Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged.

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