Programa de acompañamiento a publicaciones


The 3rd edition of the IASSCS Publication Mentoring Program will continue to offer an opportunity for junior researchers and/or activists from the South to receive mentoring and technical assistance with their papers. This pre-submission paper review program has been providing junior sexuality researchers and/or activists from the Global South (who are currently living/studying there) the opportunity to receive feedback from more experienced researchers and for publication in peer-review journals.

• We invite you to send a summary (1000-1500 words) of your paper (including title, abstract and 3-5 keywords). Summaries should be sent by October 8th, 2013, indicating only one category of application, to (Subject: 2013 IASSCS – Publication Mentoring Program).

Conceptual-Methodological Category: technical support regarding conceptual and methodological issues in the publication of research results in journals in English. This mentoring seeks to strengthen the quality of academic papers and their likelihood of acceptance for local, regional or international publication.


Editorial Category: editing support for papers written by non-native English speakers, or not originally written in English, in order to improve the quality of the translation and language before submitting for publication. Mentors will support authors by editing and improving the language quality of papers for publication in English.

• All summaries received will go through a selection process. Participants selected will be asked to send a full version of their paper by October 22nd, 2013.

For details about submissions and selection process,  visit

Or direct any questions to

Feedback from Past Mentees

• "It has been a supportive, helpful and useful experience, has opened an opportunity to develop writing skills, and has allowed me to see blind spots on my writing”–Mentee from Latin America

• “My mentor and I quickly communicated with each other as soon as we were assigned. I liked her enthusiasm and availability for emails, Skype meetings and always eager to give me feedback. I must say the feedback I got from her was very useful both from "presentation of findings; point of view and also from a "language" point of view” –Mentee from Africa

• “It was a good experience and unique of its kind. It is the only program I seen at the end of which you are not getting any kind of scholarship or an international visit rather you get a good sculptured piece of work which belongs to you” –Mentee from Middle East

Feedback from our Mentors

• “There is a dearth of supervision on sexuality studies. As a result the good research that these brilliant young researchers do cannot be published. In the long run this means that their work doesn’t get known, and the western bias in sexuality studies remains. I think this is a well-run and much –needed program”.

• “The one article format was very productive…this type of collaboration helps to provide scholars from developing countries with new pathways to build publication and network opportunities”.

• “I like the process, and I think this is important […] I enjoy mentoring, and I hope the mentees gain”.

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