Claudia Mercedes Mora Cárdenas

claudia mora

Claudia Mora is an Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Department of Health Policies and Institutions. She graduated with a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2000, Master’s degree (2009) and Doctorate (2014) in Public Health from the National School of Public Health Fiocruz. She also served as a research assistant at the Environmental and Health Education Laboratory (IOC/Fiocruz) in the area of ​​health, gender, sexuality, and policies from 2007-2015. She served as a visiting researcher at the University of British Columbia (2013). Currently, she works as a researcher at the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/IMS/UERJ). Previously, she was a member of ABRASCO’s Commission on Social and Human Sciences in Health from 2017-2019, and served as Adjunct Coordinator of the Doctoral and Masters academic departments of the Postgraduate Program in Public Health/IMS (2019-2020). She has a background in STD/AIDS research from a socio-anthropological perspective. Her main topics of interest include: prevention, vulnerability and human rights; sexuality, gender and health, and violence and intersectionality. Contact: /

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  • Monteiro, S S ; Cechetto, F ; Vargas, E ; Mora, C . Sexual Diversity and Vulnerability to AIDS: the Role of Sexual Identity and Gender in the Perception of Risk by Young People (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Sexuality Research & Social Policy, v. 7, p. 272-280, 2010. Link:

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