horacio sívori
Horacio Sivori is an Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Department of Health Policies and Institutions. He holds a degree in Sociocultural Anthropology-Universidad Nacional de Rosario (1992), a Masters in Anthropology from New York University (1994) and a PhD in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007). He was a postdoctoral fellow in Collective Health at the Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, from 2009 to 2014. He is currently a researcher and coordinator of the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM / IMS / UERJ). He develops research on sexuality and politics, social movements, conservatism, political engagement in social media, scholarly knowledge and legal activism.
Address to access this curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4874754171896904.
Publications in English:
- SZWAKO, J. L. ; SÍVORI, HORACIO . Performing family in Fernando Lugo’s and Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment processes, Paraguay 2012 and Brazil 2016. International Feminist Journal of Politics, v. 23, p. 558-578, 2021. Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14616742.2021.1946415
- MACEDO, C. M. R. ; SÍVORI, Horacio Federico . The Sexual Diversity Debate in Brazilian Psychology: Professional Regulation at Stake. PSICOLOGIA: CIÊNCIA E PROFISSÃO (ONLINE), v. 39, p. 88-102, 2019. Link: https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-3703003228496
- CORRÊA, SONIA ; SÍVORI, HORACIO ; ZILLI, BRUNO . Internet Regulation and Sexual Politics in Brazil. Development, v. 55, p. 213-218, 2012. Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241764777_Internet_Regulation_and_Sexual_Politics_in_Brazil