Conjugalities, parenting and lesbian, gay and transvestite identities

  • Author:  Miriam Grossi

The conjugality and parenting of gays, lesbians and transvestites has been a topic discussed in recent years in several countries around the world. Plural in their diversity, the new arrangements and their meanings broaden discussions about fatherhood and motherhood, the couple, family and love, traditionally centered on the heterocentric norm. In Brazil, this debate has grown and consolidated, both in academia and in civil society and in the government sphere, also taking over the pages of newspapers and magazines in the country. The strong interest in the subject in contemporary times can be observed by the intense adherence to the “Civil Partnership, Conjugality and Homoparentality” network, created by social psychologist Anna Paula Uziel (UERJ), by anthropologist Miriam Grossi (UFSC) and by sociologist Luiz Mello (UFG) , which gave rise to the collection “Conjugalities, parenting and lesbian, gay and transvestite identities” (CLAM/Editora Garamond). The articles in the collection present approaches from the most diverse disciplines, in particular Anthropology, Law, Psychology and Sociology. The book is divided into three major thematic axes – conjugalities, parentings and identities.


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