Politics, Rights, Violence and Homosexuality. Research 9th Rio 2004 GLBT Pride Parade

Coordination: Sergio Carrara (IMS/UERJ) e Silvia Ramos (CESeC)

Carried out in partnership with activist groups and academic institutions, the survey aims to collect data on victimization and discrimination against homosexuals in Brazil. It also focuses on aspects related to the sociability and sexuality of gays, lesbians and transgenders, in addition to tracing the social and political profile of the protesters of the GLBT pride parades. In 2003 and 2004, the study was carried out jointly with the Center for Studies on Security and Citizenship (Cesec) at the Cândido Mendes University and with the Grupo de Conscientização Homosexual Arco–Íris (GAI) (Rainbow Homosexual Awareness Group) during the GLBT Pride Parade in Rio de Janeiro .

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