Queer Cultural Geographies

Sexuality Studies and LGBT Activism in Latin America. The Sixth International Latin American Cultural Studies Conference, to be held at the University of Pittsburgh the first three days of April 2010, will gather a number of people who have been key to activism and academic work on LGBT issues in Latin America.


Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures
The Center for Latin American Studies
Humanities Center
The Women’s Studies Program
School of Arts and Sciencies
Provost’s Office
Roggiano Fund


Tamara Adrián
Moisés Agosto-Rosario
Pedro Artieda
Jorge Bracamonte
Leopoldo Brizuela
Mauro Cabral
Norge Espinosa
Gabriel Giorgi
Adán Grieco
Gabriel Guajardo
Laura Gutiérrez
Jesús Jambrina
Gisela Kosak
Virginia Lucas
Carmen Millán de Benavides
Norma Mongrojevo
Alexander Obando
Marcia Ochoa
Julieta Paredes
José Quiroga
José Fernando Serrano
Horacio F. Sívori
Juan Pablo Sutherland
