

Sexualities in the South

What do we mean when we say “Global South”? What are the issues involved in thinking of “our own” analytical categories, “our theory” and “our politics” outside the hegemony of metropolitan centers? Intellectuals from Africa, Asia and Latin America met in Buenos Aires to address the ways these questions intersect with the study of the political dimensions of sexuality.


LGBT Africans Face Blackmail on a Regular Basis

The report “Nowhere to Turn: Blackmail and Extortion of LGBT People in Sub-Saharan Africa” illustrates how LGBT Africans are made doubly vulnerable by the criminalization of homosexuality and the often-violent stigmatization they face if their sexuality is revealed.


A third position

The first public opinion survey about abortion in four Latin American countries (Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Nicaragua) by FLACSO-Chile reveals that the traditional polarization of the ideological debate about abortion does not reflect the attitude of the majority of the population of these countries toward the issue. Download a PDF version of the study.


Liturgies of Sexuality

The statements made by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, to the effect that pedophilia would be connected to homosexuality has raised intense debates. The Secretary’s statements were seen by many observers as a strategy by the Holy See to attribute the abuse against children and young people in the Church to “deviant” priests, shifting the focus of attention away from the Vatican.


CREA’s 5th Sexuality, Gender and Rights Institute

Last date for submitting completed applications for 2011 CREA’s 5th Sexuality, Gender and Rights Institute: Exploring Theory and Practice (June 18 – 26, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey) is February 15.