

Of our concern

Pulse massacre offers an example of how certain issues speak more directly to specific individuals. In order to understand and feel the gravity of what happened and the reaction it created, it is necessary to comprehend the significance of that space in helping create the identities and subjects of those who frequented there.


The pedagogies of rape

Despite all of the moral outrage that descended upon social media after a “gang rape” video went viral in Brazil, this event also showed the role of the Internet as a mediator of opinions and sensitivities relating to feminist values.


Bridging the gap between faith, gender and sexuality

The Sexuality, Poverty and Law Programme at IDS/Sussex launches a free interactive toolkit


Tensions and dislocations

A new issue of Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad – Latin American Journal explores topics dear to the field of gender, sexuality, health, and politics. By problematizing issues and dislodging assumptions, they bring a reexamination of classical concepts in the humanities and social sciences.


Call for papers for a special issue

Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad – Latin American Journal welcomes original works for a special issue on “Fundamentalisms,” Sexuality, and Human Rights in Latin America: Expanding the boundaries of a discussion. The deadline for submission of complete manuscripts is January 31, 2016.