

Dissident Pleasures

Encontros interditos, narrativas obscenas, jogos sexuais proibidos, desejos periféricos e sociabilidades homoeróticas se reúnem nesta coletânea – organizada pela antropóloga Maria Elvira Diaz-Benitez e pelo sociólogo Carlos Figari – que traz, em 20 artigos, análises e reflexões sobre temas como BDSM (prática que inclui o sado-masoquismo), sexo bareback, pedofilia, incesto, escatologia, sociabilidades homoeróticas, prostituição, travestilidades e pornografia, entre outros, para além do rótulo das perversões.


The polyphony in sexuality

The articles gathered for the second issue of Sexuality, Health and Society – A Latin American Journal bring together an interesting portrait of the polyphony surrounding sexuality and gender topics in the countries of this Region.


Pre-LASA forum

Under the title of “Sexualities, social movements and academia”, CLAM and LASA’s Sexuality Studies Section are organizing a day-long event to debate sexual politics research and interventions in Brazil. Wednesday, June 10, 10am to 6pm, at UERJ.


Sexual behavior in the region

The article “A Life Course Approach to Patterns and Trends in Modern Latin American Sexual Behavior”, written by researchers Michel Bozon (photo), Cecilia Gayet and Jaime Barrientos, explores trends in sexual behavior in Latin America.


“There must be a limit”

The case of the 9 year old girl who had an abortion after being raped by her stepfather and impregnated with twins, reveals a vulnerable social situation that exposes girls in Brazil and the vulnerability of public institutions in front of the power of the fundamentalist Catholic Church.