

Conjugalities, parenting and lesbian, gay and transvestite identities

A conjugalidade e a parentalidade de gays, lésbicas e travestis tem sido um tema discutido nos últimos anos em vários países do mundo, incluindo o Brasil. A coletânea “Conjugalidades, parentalidades e identidades lésbicas, gays e travestis” (CLAM/Editora Garamond) reúne artigos que apresentam abordagens oriundas das mais diversas disciplinas, em particular da Antropologia, do Direito, da Psicologia e da Sociologia.


Unpunished Homophobia

Vagner de Almeida, director of the documentary “Living Day By Day” sees no difference in the hate crimes against gays and transgenders that occur in the many social regions of Rio de Janeiro. For him, the difference lies in the impunity with which these crimes are committed in the poor areas.


Between good and evil

Pope Benedict XVI visit to Brazil on May 2007 had many implications for national political debates on sexuality and human rights. Thus Sexuality Policy Watch developed a series of analyses aimed at understanding what motivated this visit and what can be its potentially negative effects.


Racial marginalization among MTFs

Sel Julian Hwahng, research investigator at National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. in New York City, conducted the ethnographic study Marginalization and HIV vulnerabilities among male-to-female transgendered comunities. See details.


Cultural analysis of reproduction

Influencing the concepts of women about menstruation, menopause, pregnancy and birth was the main purpose that made north-American anthropologist Emily Martin (New York University) write The woman in the body, a book that, after two decades, has finally been translated into Portuguese.