

Sexual rights of gays, lesbians and transgenders

Judge Roger Raupp Rios presents the panorama of the sexual rights of gays, lesbians and transgenders in Latin America. According to him, Latino male machismo and religious fundamentalism are obstacles to overcome.


Lethal Violence Against Gays and Transgenders in Rio de Janeiro City: General Characteristics

Written by anthropologists Sérgio Carrara and Adriana Vianna, the article Lethal Violence Against Gays and Transgenders in Rio de Janeiro City: General Characteristics is based on information on the murder of male homosexuals collected by the police and the justice system, dealing with the issue on a more serious basis.


‘Dialogue’, an online publication

Talking about sexuality from a human rights perspective through seminars, researches, books and strategic documents. “Dialogue”, an online publication, shows how and why CLAM connects the academia, social movement and civil society in Latin America, in order to promote reflection. Get the knowledge you need about the center, its regional training programmes and activities. Click here to download.


Reconciling work and family: Issues and policies in Brazil (2004), Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 8

Although there is a considerable and growing literature on the reconciliation of work and family life in many western and industrialized countries, little literature is available on how these issues are addressed in developing or middle-income countries.

In progress

A sexualidade nas classificações psiquiátricas: um estudo sobre a medicalização da vida cotidiana

Coordenação: Jane Araújo Russo. A pesquisa visa a analisar a transformação verificada no campo psiquiátrico contemporâneo, com a paulatina hegemonia de uma interpretação biológica dos transtornos mentais. Essa transformação ocorreu nos anos 80, a partir da publicação da terceira versão do Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM III) da American Psychiatric Association. É importante assinalar que a mudança na compreensão dos transtornos mentais – de uma visão psicológica para uma visão biológica – não é um fenômeno isolado, fazendo parte, na verdade, de uma espécie de “rebiologização” de temas e discussões antes circunscritos ao campo do embate político, como as diferenças de gênero ou de raça.