Prisons, sexualities, gender and rights: Challenges and propositions in contemporary research

- Ana Camilla de Oliveira Baldanzi
- Anna Paula Uziel
- Bárbara Silva da Rocha
- Jimena de Garay Hernandez
- Luisa Bertrami D’Angelo
- Martinho Braga Batista e Silva
- Natália Corazza Padovani
- Vanessa Pereira de Lima
The collection is part of the development of studies on prisons, bringing together works by authors who have, for many years, produced dense and forceful criticism of the way in which the analysis of prison camps and State violence cannot avoid locating them in front of the gender technologies that produce them.
The work brings together the works presented and developed there based on dense methodological dialogues aimed at the production of knowledge on the themes of gender, sexualities and reproductive rights within the scope of the experience and production of the prison space.
The published articles result from research produced from very different contexts. Research carried out in women’s and men’s prisons in different Brazilian states, as well as in queues for visits, NGOs and militancy networks that surround them; analyzes coined between neighborhoods and prisons in Brazil, Portugal, France, Denmark and the United States. The research on which the articles deal was produced by professors and scholars who have marked the field of research on prisons internationally, by sensitively turning to debates on gender and sexualities, as well as young researchers starting out provocatively in this field of investigation.
The book is divided into seven parts, which section the debate through thematic axes concerned with the intersectionalities of the empirical categories of gender, but also with the political and methodological implications of doing research in prisons or with their militancy networks.
The works present absolutely essential analyzes for the examination of the permanent violations of rights to which these populations are subjected, particularly from gender and sexuality specificities, as well as the way in which institutions of imprisonment that are not named as prisons – that is, hostels and shelters for teenagers and the elderly, for example – employ prison techniques (and pathologization) in governing the daily lives of the people “guarded” by them.