- Author: Adriana Piscitelli
- ISBN-10 : 8576170485
- ISBN-13 : 978-8576170488
The collection “Sexuality and knowledge: conventions and borders”, which the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/UERJ) and Editora Garamond have just launched, discusses the negotiations around the “normalization” of sexual practices, which were object of intense rejection in the past. The book shows how such negotiations are linked to the emergence of new frontiers and social conventions with the criminalization of other practices, such as sexual violence and pedophilia. What is the impact of these conventions on medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, social sciences and the media? How do the human sciences read the conventions that make up this normalization and the criminalization of practices that, although involving issues related to the right to free expression of sexuality, provoke violent reactions, even suggesting the possibility that we are facing a new wave of sexual panic? The texts that make up the book offer elements to answer these questions. The collection, organized by anthropologists Adriana Piscitelli, Maria Filomena Gregori and Sergio Carrara, is the result of the Seminar of the same name, held in June 2003 by CLAM/UERJ and the Nucleus of Gender Studies PAGU, of the Federal University of Campinas. Most of the published texts were presented and debated at the Seminar. The work, part of the Sexuality, Gender and Society collection, is part of a broader perspective of CLAM action, which is to aggregate and systematize information around different themes in the field of sexual rights, providing subsidies for a reflection on the relations between sexuality and human rights, in addition to collaborating in the formulation of public policies in this area.