

In favor of a real debate in Cameroon

To political scientist S.N. Nyeck (UCLA), the craft of sexual rights in Africa must be sensitive to the insight that “the same state power that wounds, when wielded positively, is power that heals.” she said in an interview with CLAM, while visiting Brazil for an SPW meeting. “Strategies need to be framed within a context that recognizes imperfection at all levels.”


Migration, bisexuality and HIV

World AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1st. Many studies have focused on homosexuality & Aids, however bisexuality has been scarcely addressed. Researcher Miguel Muñoz-Laboy (Columbia University) looks at the relation between bisexuality – especially among Latino men and HIV prevention, topics rarely linked in studies about Aids transmission.


Psychoterapy and the Culture Wars

In this interview, psychoanalyst Jack Drescher (MD) takes us through the winding path in and out of psychopathological theories of homosexuality. In his view, the greatest challenge regarding ‘conversion therapies’ is “helping the general public understand the differences between what the mental health mainstream and groups presenting disinformation about homosexuality are saying.


Colonial legacy

Although 66 States members of the UN condemn violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity, lots of countries still have laws against consensual sex between adults of the same sex. “These laws were left behind by colonial rulers”, researcher Rhoda Redock points out.


“There is much to be undone”

Anthropologist Richard Parker (Columbia University) analyses Barack Obama’s victory, the long period of moral conservatism and religious extremism of George W. Bush’s administration and the moral panic around issues such as abortion and gay marriage.