


The transference of the conservative agenda on the regulation of life, sexuality and the family towards a scientific and rights language reveals new interactions between religion, science and politics. These are key to understand the current scope of religious activism on issues like abortion and the recognition of sexual diversity. (Text in Spanish.)


II European Geographies of Sexualities Conference: Call for papers

This Conference wants to create a space of debate and questioning to explore beyond normative domains and practices of heteronormativity, Western views, English, globalisation, whiteness and male hegemony. Interested contributors should send an abstract of a paper, or a proposal of a session/panel discussion via online submissions by 28th February 2013 – Sessions and 31st March 2013 – Papers.


International conference and research training

The International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society’s (IASSCS) ninth biennial conference, “Sex and the Marketplace: What’s Love got to do with it?” will take place in Buenos Aires, August 28th to 31st 2013. A research training course will be offered immediate afterwards.


The Price of a Stolen Childhood

The NY Times article The Price of a Stolen Childhood discusses the psychological impact of child sexual abuse and the possibility of compensation for its damages. The article offers an in depth look at the story of two women who suffered sexual abuse during their childhood, and whose images were circulated without their consent.


Sexuality Health and Society

The first dossier to be released by Sexuality Health and Societyaddresses the hot topic of abortion, which in most countries of this region is still object of political dispute and moral controversy.