Pretoria, South Africa, February 13-16, 2011
Conference objectives:
• To promote understanding and further study of male and female same-sex sexual practices, identities and communities, including expressions of gender diversity, in Sub-Saharan Africa.
• To promote understanding of social and structural prejudice towards sexual and gender diversity and strategies to address this prejudice.
• To explore how social and structural factors affect the well-being and health of persons engaging in same-sex sexual practices or with gender diverse backgrounds and identify ways of enabling the social environment and reducing vulnerability.
• To support capacity building in research and advocacy and to strengthen the development of MSM/WSW/transgendered communities.
Who can submit?
Abstract submission is open to anybody who is able to contribute to listed conference objectives, regardless of institutional affiliation. Persons living in Sub-Saharan Africa are strongly encouraged to submit. Abstract selection will take into account representation in terms of geography, gender, and gender identity.
How to submit?
Abstract submission is only possible online via (
Abstract themes
Abstracts are solicited that will contribute to the conference objectives. Conference topics include:
• How male or female same-sex sexuality and gender diversity are expressed in local cultures
• How same-sex sexuality and gender diversity are understood in local cultures and indigenous histories (including contexts of colonialism)
• Health issues in LGBT/MSM/WSW/Trans persons (including HIV/AIDS)
• Expressions of heteronormativity and homonegativity in local cultures
• Local organization of LGBT/MSM/WSW/Trans communities
• Local LGBT/MSM/WSW/Trans cultures
• Programmes to support LGBT/MSM/WSW/Trans expressions and address health problems
• Same-sexuality and gender diversity in relation to rights-based discourses
• Integrating sexual minority issues into national, regional and Global Civic society (including áreas uch as sports, education, ageing, social security, employment)
Abstract format
Abstracts should have a title (maximum 20 words), authors names (full first name and surname; intended presenting author first), affiliations (if any; if none: “independent”), and summary of the proposed presentation of maximum 300 words. Abstracts should indicate how data, sources, or evidence, on which the abstract has been based, have been assembled. Abstracts should include a conclusion summarizing the meaning or implications of the proposed presentation. Abstracts can be submitted in either English or French. An abstract-sample can be found on the conference website (
Abstract selection
Abstracts will be reviewed by an international committee. Review criteria include: (1) Originality of contribution; (2) Relevance in terms of conference goals; and (3) Level of scholarship). Final selection of abstracts will also take into account representation (nationality and gender/gender identity) and resources available to sponsor people’s participation.
Participation support
A limited number of scholarships will be available to facilitate the conference participants who submitted abstracts that have been selected. Application for these scholarships will have to occur simultaneously with abstract submission. While applying for scholarships, persons will be asked to indicate why financial support is needed and which parts of the conference costs they will be able to carry themselves. No scholarships will be available that will fully cover all travel, lodging and conference participation costs.
Important dates:
October 1, 2010 – Final date for abstract submission and request for participation support
November 1, 2010 – Information regarding acceptance of abstracts and support available
January 15, 2011 – Submission of conference presentation
Conference Organizing Committee
Shivaji Bhattarcharya, Théophile Habonimana, Paul Jansen, David Kuria, Thuli Madi, Lydia Makoroka (co- chair), Monica Mbaru , Vasu Reddy (chair), Theo Sandfort (co-chair), Liesl Theron
Institutional Support
The organization of this conference is a joint initiative from: AMSHeR (African Men for Sexual Health and Rights), Behind the Mask (South Africa), GALCK (Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya; Kenya), Gender DynamiX (South Africa), HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies (New York), Hivos (Netherlands, main sponsor), Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC; South Africa), Humure (Burundi), International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), Oxfam, UNDP (Southern & Eastern Africa).