Laura Lowenkron

laura lowenkron

Laura Lowenkron is adjunct professor at the Institute of Social Medicine at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (IMS/UERJ). She has a Master’s (2008) and a PhD (2012) in Social Anthropology from the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (MN/UFRJ) and a postdoctoral degree from the PAGU Gender Studies Center, from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). She has worked in the fields of gender and sexuality studies and anthropology of the state, having experience with ethnographies of institutions and documents based on research within the following topics: sexual violence, childhood/minority, pedophilia and human trafficking.

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  • LOWENKRON, L.. Child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children, and pedophilia: different names, different problems?. In: Horacio Sívori; Sérgio Carrara; Jane Russo; Maria Luiza Heilborn; Anna Paula Uzie; Bruno Zilli. (Org.). Sexuality, Culture and Politics – A South American Reader. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: CEPESC, 2013, v. , p. 472-489. Link:


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