Online and Free: REMA Launches Training Course on Maternities and Violence

The course is aimed at professionals in the fields of Health, Law, Social Assistance, and others interested in the topics of gender, reproductive rights, and violence.

The Transnational Network for Research on Deprived, Violated, and Violenced Maternities (REMA) has just launched the online course “Maternities and Violence: Strengthening the Right to Health and Support Networks.” The launch takes place this March, which is marked by activities surrounding International Women’s Day.

Available for free on the Telessaúde platform from UERJ, the course received funding from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and is the result of a partnership between REMA and the Latin American Center for Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM), part of the Hésio Cordeiro Institute of Social Medicine at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IMS/UERJ).

In the context of the month that recalls the struggles and resistance of women against various forms of violence, the course focuses on the experiences that manifest at different stages of mothers’ lives—pregnancy, prenatal care, childbirth, and motherhood—and violate women’s right to care for their children.

It is important to note that the women who suffer the most violence as mothers are those in situations of vulnerability, such as poor women, those with low education, Black women, Indigenous women, migrants, residents of slums, homeless women, and those with mental health diagnoses, among other complexities.

Considering these issues, the course “Maternities and Violence: Strengthening the Right to Health and Support Networks” seeks to promote reflections and dialogues on the topic, raising awareness among professionals working with these issues in the face of the experiences of women who have suffered and continue to suffer from these various forms of violence.

In addition to the introductory module, the course is organized into three more modules: the first proposes reflections on deprived maternities, meaning maternities interrupted due to the forced removal of children from their mothers’ custody; the second presents a discussion on racial inequalities, reproductive health, and obstetric violence; finally, the third module focuses on research and experiences related to maternities violated by police actions in slums, leading to the deaths or incarceration of children, and the impacts of these actions on the health and rights of mothers and families of these young people.

The course is aimed at professionals in Health, Law, Social Assistance, as well as activists, mothers, researchers, and others interested in gender, reproductive rights, and violence.

The course consists of seven asynchronous lessons, each lasting 30 minutes, and also includes 2 hours of reading per lesson and a final multiple-choice evaluation, which takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. The course must be completed within 6 weeks. Those who achieve 70% attendance and 50% correct answers on the exam will be approved and receive a certificate of completion.

Register and gain access to the complete course by clicking here.

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