

Cures that Kill

A coalition of groups from Latin America and the Caribbean Launches the “Cures that Kill” campaign. The campaign aims at fighting so-called ’reparative’ therapies which proposes to “cure” sexual and gender diversity. Sign the petition and spread the word !


Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders: The Rainbow Path in North American Culture

A abordagem da sexualidade transgressora nos Estados Unidos é o tema que costura os ensaios deste livro. Partindo da análise de contos gays e lésbicos contemporâneos em que mapeia os temas mais constantes na literatura norte-americana, dá voz à resistência à opressão e contextualiza a luta contra a AIDS, Eliane Berutti discute questões dos queer studies. Além de focalizar pontos relevantes da teoria queer, também se preocupa em pensar em uma agenda desses estudos no Brasil: seria restrita a gays e lésbicas, incluiria outras minorias sexuais, teria como objetivo a formação de uma nova mentalidade social no século XXI?


Call for participation: Does yourmother now? Collection of Latin American LGBT Stories

We invite you to submit original, unpublished essays, poems, shortstories, plays, creative non-fiction, related to your experience of beingLGBTI and growing up in Latin America or Diaspora. We accept both text and audio format material.


IRN Newsletter Latin America & the World

This is the IRN Latin American Newsletter, full of updates from April 2011. The International Resource Network (IRN), based at the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center and funded by the Ford Foundation, aims to link up researchers, activists, artists, and teachers in areas related to diverse sexualities and genders.


Are Women’s Rights on Agenda in Latin America?

For all of President Barack Obama’s pledges that he stands for universal human rights, the fundamental rights of women were left off the table when he visited Brazil, Chile and El Salvador – countries whose governments have failed to fully address women’s health, equality and empowerment as priority policy issues.