

A holy mistake

In Africa, Pope Benedict said that “[AIDS] cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems”, despite the 25 million people who have already died. is running the campaign “Pope Benedict: help us prevent AIDS.”


“There must be a limit”

The case of the 9 year old girl who had an abortion after being raped by her stepfather and impregnated with twins, reveals a vulnerable social situation that exposes girls in Brazil and the vulnerability of public institutions in front of the power of the fundamentalist Catholic Church.


To Be a Woman

The dichotomy between sex and gender and the idea that gender is a consequence of biological sex continue to be reflected upon by gender and feminist studies. In this article, researchers and activists analyze what it means to “be a woman”. Is it biology or a social construction?


King Momo and the Rainbow: Homosexuality and Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Carnaval, homossexualidade e Aids são os temas que Fabiano Gontijo aborda neste instigante trabalho. Sem perder a graça, a paixão e o rigor que tais temas demandam, Fabiano convida o leitor a uma viagem pelo Carnaval carioca e pelas homossexualidades que nele habitaram ao longo da História.


Youth sexuality

In Brazil, men are sexually initiated around 16.2 years old (median age) and women around 17.9 years old (median age), reports GRAVAD research, a study that covered topics such as youth relationships, use of contraceptives, sexual practices and teenage pregnancy.