The VII Annual Seminar of RedeGen, the Fluminense Network of Research Centers on Gender, Sexuality, and Feminisms in Social Sciences, will take place on November 28th and 29th, 2024 (Thursday and Friday), in Room 10.030, Block D, 10th floor, at UERJ. Address: Rua Francisco Xavier, nº 529, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Formed in 2018, RedeGen currently includes the following research centers:
Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM/IMS/UERJ);
Center for Studies on Contemporary Inequalities and Gender Relations (NUDERG/PPCIS/UERJ);
Center for Studies on Sexuality and Gender (NESEG/PPGSA/UFRJ);
Center for Studies on Bodies, Genders, and Sexualities (NUSEX/PGGA/MN);
Interdisciplinary Center for Women, Movements, Institutions, and Normativities (NIMMIN/IESP/UERJ):
Study Group on Contemporary Families (GREFAC/UERJ-UFRJ);
Laboratory for Studies on Difference, Inequality, and Stratification (LeDde/IFCS/UFRJ).
The annual meetings of RedeGen aim to disseminate studies and research in the field through presentations by graduate students and invited external speakers, both national and international. This year’s meeting will address key themes in gender and feminism studies, such as gender and work, plural feminisms, generations, violence, black identities, ableism, and more.
Find the complete event schedule below:
RedeGen meeting 2024 program
November 28, 2024 – Thursday
9:30 AM – Opening Session
Event organizers (Andrea Moraes, Waleska Aureliano, and Maria Elvira Díaz-Benitez) and REDEGEN coordination.
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Plural Feminisms: Black Identities, Gender, and Disability
Edmeire Exaltação (Casa das Pretas – RJ)
Anahí Guedes de Mello (Disability Studies Center – NED/UFSC and Anis – Institute of Bioethics)
Waleska Aureliano
Maria Elvira Díaz-Benitez
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Panel 1: Gender, Work, and Generation
Female performance in the labor market: gender inequalities and appearance care – Juliana Ribeiro (PPGCS/UFRRJ) – LABUTA
Brazilians in the transnational care economy through the Au Pair program – Carmen Paula Paes de Macedo (PPGSA/UFRJ) – LeDde
Family portraits: on gender and generation in Baixada Fluminense – Gabriela Costa Machado (PPCIS/UERJ) – GREFAC
Discussant: Carolina Castellitti (GREFAC)
November 29, 2024 – Friday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Panel 2: Gender, Violence, and Discourses
“I don’t want to remember, but I can’t forget”: an ethnography on the daily lives of women who are victims of sexual violence – Cristiane Santos Marcelino (PPGJS/UFF) – NUDEIN
Between political and academic agendas: gender in sociology textbooks of the PNLD 2018 – Márcia Menezes Thomaz Pereira (CEFET-RJ) – NUDERG
Discussant: Jaqueline Sant’Anna (NESEG)
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Feminine identities in dispute: Ahed Tamimi as a symbol of Palestinian resistance – Nina Queiroz Kertzman (PPGSA/UFRJ) – NESEG
(Ir)regular affectivities in the governance of refuge: trans women and lesbian Venezuelan migrants and refugees supported by the LGBT+ Movement – Nathália Antonucci Fonseca (CLAM/IMS/UERJ)
Producing “Iranicities” at the center and the margins of the diaspora – Julia Chaise (PPGAS/MN) – NUSEX
Discussant: Isadora Sento Sé (NUDERG)
5:15 PM – REDEGEN Assembly