Published article: Pandemic Motherhoods: The Experience of Women from Different Social Classes During the Daycare Centers Closure in Rio de Janeiro

Professor and researcher Laura Lowenkron (CLAM/IMS/UERJ) and researcher Letícia Hastenreiter, a Ph.D. candidate in Public Health at IMS/UERJ, published the article “Pandemic Motherhoods: The Experience of Women from Different Social Classes During the Daycare Centers Closure in Rio de Janeiro” in the journal Mundaú, edited by the Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Federal University of Alagoas. The article is based on Letícia Hastenreiter’s master’s research at IMS/UERJ and Laura Lowenkron’s Young Scientist project supported by FAPERJ.

The article aimed to analyze the diverse experiences of mothers living in Rio de Janeiro regarding childcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, a period when both public and private daycare centers were closed. It examined how this extraordinary event temporarily reconfigured the mothers’ caregiving experiences. The authors emphasize the importance of intersectional analyses that consider the impacts of factors such as race, class, and locality on the experiences of mothers during the pandemic.

Lowenkron and Hastenreiter’s article is part of the special issue “Motherhoods, Care Practices, and Government Technologies”, organized by Debora Allebrant and Alessandra Rinaldi. This issue features articles addressing motherhood, reproductive governance, and state-related violence in these contexts.

Access the full issue of the journal here.

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