Sérgio Luis Carrara

sérgio carrara

Sergio Carrara holds a degree in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (1982), a master\’s degree (1987) and a doctorate (1995) in Social Anthropology from the National Museum/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is a Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, where he develops research in the area of Anthropology of the Body and Health, working mainly on the following topics: sexuality, gender, homosexuality, human rights and violence. He is also editor of the Revista Sexualidade, Saúde e Sociedade. Currently he serves as a researcher at the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights-CLAM / IMS // UERJ and at the Integrated Laboratory on Sexual and Gender Diversity, Policies and Rights-LIDIS / UERJ (Productivity Scholarship/CNPq 1D).

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Publications in English:

  • CARRARA, SÉRGIO; Garay, J. H. ; Uziel, A. P. ; D\’Angelo, L. B. ; Queiroz, J. P. ; Baldanzi, A. C. O. ; Panjo, H. ; Conceição, G. M. S. ; Silva Jr., A. L. ; GIAMI, A. . Body construction and health itineraries: a survey among travestis and trans people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cadernos de Saude Publica, v. 35, p. 1-15, 2019. Link:







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